Postsecondary Planning and Scholarships
Counseling Canvas Course
The Counseling Canvas Course contains important information and resources that may be utilized for postsecondary planning during grades 9-12. Students and parents may view information on:
Academic Resources
Postsecondary Planning
Social Emotional Resources
Naviance is a powerful college and career resource, that allows students to explore careers, apply for colleges, request letters of recommendation, and send transcripts! All NHS students have a Naviance account and can access it easily by utilizing Clever.
Getting Started with Naviance
- How do students login to Naviance?
- Go to Noblesville's Naviance website
- Click on "Student" and Search for Noblesville High School
- "Continue with Single Sign On"
- Login via your NS email account
If you experience any problems logging into your Naviance account, please contact your school counselor.
Noblesville High School publishes scholarship information in the Counseling Canvas Course. Students may view information about the following types of scholarships:
Community Scholarships
College & University Scholarships
Indiana Scholarships
General Scholarships